# | Title | Publish Date | Attachments |
1 | Admission Cercular of Japanice language | 10-06-2024 | |
2 | The Recruitment notice of Guest Trainer under ASSET Project. | 02-05-2024 | |
3 | The Admition Result may-july/2024 session Under ASSET project. | 02-05-2024 | |
4 | Auto Migration Computer Operation Course Level-3&4 | 07-03-2024 | |
5 | April-june/24 Session Admetion sercular | 28-02-2024 | |
6 | Driving With Automechenics (Desh-Bidesh project) Course April-june/24 session Admition Sercular | 28-02-2024 |
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS